Capacity building programme and Distribution of Apiculture inputs to Tribal farmers
A capacity building programme and distribution of apiculture inputs was organized at ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), North Goa under Schedule Tribe Component Scheme on 17-10-2023. Dr. N. Bommayasamy, Sr. Scientist cum Head, I...
Workshop on Natural Farming and Nutritious Recipes of Millets
ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) North Goa, ICAR- CCARI organized a workshop on Natural Farming & Nutritious Recipes of Millets, at Aldona on 26.08.2023 in collaboration with LIONS Club Aldona. The programme started with Wel...
Training Programme on Natural Farming
A training programme on Natural Farming was organized on 26.07.2023. Mr. Rahul Kulkarni, Assistant Chief Technical Officer (Soil Science) explained the procedure of production of Jeevamrut, Bhramastra, Neemastra and Dashaparni Ark...

Training on Vermicomposting and Natural farming
A training on vermicomposting and Natural farming was organized on 19.07.2023 ,at Indian Navy, Varunapuri. Mr. H.R.C. Prabhu, Senior Scientist & Head I/C, explained the methodologies of coverting organic wastes into compost with t...
Training cum workshop on Nutritional recipes of Millets
ICAR organized a training cum workshop on Nutritional recipes of Millets for women on 14.07.2023 at ICAR KVK, North Goa. The objective of the training was to create awareness about nutritional value of millet and to impa...
Training on Natural Farming
A training programme on Natural farming was organized on 16-17 March, 2023 as a part of International Year of Millets. Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa, in his inaugural addres...
Training Programme on Value addition in Millets with Goa College of Home Science
ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), North Goa and ICAR-Central coastal Agricultural Research Institue (CCARI), Goa, in collaboration with Goa College of Home Science organized training programme on Value Addition in Millets on...
Training programme on value addition of millets under STC
A training programme was organized on the value addition of millets by ICAR-CCARI at KVK, North Goa, on 14th Feb. 2023. As a part of the training programme, hands-on-training to prepare various value-added products of millets like...