Three days of training programme on Bush Pepper Production Technology
Three days of training programme on Bush Pepper Production Technology...

Two days State Level Training Programme on Nutrition Garden
A state level two days training program was organized on Nutrition Garden for Officers of Directorate of Women & Child Development, Govt. of Goa from 9th to 10th Nov, 2020. ...

Online Training on Scientific Management of Goats
A three days online vocational training programme was conducted on Scientific management of Goats by ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North Goa, ICAR CCARI, Goa during 19th to 21st October, 2020. Dr. Udharwar Sanjaykumar Vi...

Webinar on Coconut Cultivation and Value addition
Webinar on coconut production & value addition was organized by KVK North Goa on 2nd September, 2020 in which 81 participants were connected participated in this meet. Dr. E B Chakurkar, Director ICAR CCARI, Goa urged the coco...

Online Training on Scientific Management of Goats
A five days online vocational training programme was conducted on Scientific management of Goats by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR CCARI, Old Goa during 27th to 31st July 2020. Dr. Udharwar Sanjaykumar Vithalrao SMS (Animal ...

Training on Jackfruit Processing at Assonora
Training on Jackfruit Processing at Assonora...

Paid 03 days Training on Nursery Entrepreneurship
KVK had organized 3 days training program from 2nd to 4th July, 2020 on Nursery Management & Plant Propagation methods on the special request from the two youth entrepreneurs who wanted to start nursery enterprise at their village...

Off-campus Training on Clean Milk Production for Vazri Dairy Co-operative Society farmers
ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North Goa, ICAR CCARI, Goa, conducted one day off campus training on clean milk production on 3rd June 2020 for Dairy farmers of Vazri Village, Pedne Taluka , North Goa. ...

Off-campus Training on Scientific Management of Backyard Poultry at Mopa-Pedne
ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North Goa, ICAR CCARI, Goa, conducted one day off campus training on Scientific Management of Backyard Poultry on 29th May 2020 for poultry farmers of Vazri Village, Pedne Taluka , North Go...

On-campus Training on Scientific Management on Goats for Scheduled Tribe Famers of Goa
ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North Goa, ICAR CCARI, Goa, conducted two days training on Scientific Management of Goats on 18th and 19th May 2020 for scheduled Tribe goat farmers under Scheduled Tribe Component . ...

Training on White Pepper Preparation
A training on White Pepper was organized on 31-01-2020. During the inauguration, Shri Dilip Paranjape, Project Director, ATMA North, briefed the activities of ATMA. Dr. A. r. Desai, Principal Scientist (Fruit Science), ...