
Name : Platax teira

Class : Actinopterygii

Order : Perciformes

Family : Ephippidae 

Description :

Body is orbicular and strongly compressed and depth more than twice the length of the head; Yellowish silvery or dusky, with a black (or dusky) bar through eye and another dark bar from dorsal-fin origin across rear edge of operculum and pectoral-fin base to belly, where it usually encloses a black blotch, with another smaller black vertical streak often present at origin of anal fin. Median fins and pelvic fins dusky yellow, Jaws with bands of slender, flattened, tricuspid teeth, vomer with a few teeth, but no palatine teeth Preopercle smooth. Opercle without spines Dorsal fin: V, 28-37; Anal fin: III, 22-28


Maximum length: 52.4 cm TL, common length: 35-45 cm TL


Feeds on small fishes and benthic crustaceans


It is utilised as a marine aquarium fish and consumed fresh sometimes


Gillnet, trawl, hook and line