
Name : Marsupenaeus japonicus

Class : Malacostraca

Order : Decapoda

Family : Penaeidae

Description :

Carapace smooth. Rostrum armed with 9 to 11 teeth on dorsal, and a single tooth on ventral margin, with an accessory crest on the blade; adrostral crest and groove long, extending almost to posterior margin of carapace, the groove wide; postrostral crest well developed as far back as adrostral groove, with a deep median groove throughout its length; gastrofrontal crest present; gastrofrontal groove bifurcate posteriorly; hepatic crest almost horizontal to base of antennal crest and from there sloping anteroventrally; telson armed with 3 pairs of movable spines; no ischial spine on first pereopod.


Maximum length: 16.4 cm (TL); common length: 8-12 cm (TL)


Feeds on algae, benthic detritus and small crustaceans.


Marketed mainly fresh and frozen; also canned and fried.


Trawl, gill net, cast net, drag net